Author Archives: admin

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The Rubber Mold Cleaner


We always encounter people asking about rubber mold cleaner availability in Malaysia. Even though there are several rubber mold cleaning methods, but chemical removal of rubber residue still the common practice. Before the development of Rubber Mold Cleaner RMC-930, most of the user in rubber mold industry is using Sunecon KR303 as the prime mold […]

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The Defoamer Chemistry


We want to discuss about defoamer chemistry in this article. After our launching the NS Defoamer, we do follow up with bubble management and silicone free defoamer to brief our reader from application perspective. Besides the application perspective, we also want to talk about the defoamer from the chemistry point of view. This article will […]

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Clean the Bathroom Wall Panel


The bathroom wall panel or tile is easily build up with dirt and grime after some time of use. The grime is getting harder to clean up after the grime dry out. The similar grime mark may also build up at the bathroom glass area. Unfortunately, an ordinary detergent or soap may not be adequate […]

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Remove Water Stain Mark on the Glass Surface


The water stain mark on the glass surface is so annoying. We observed many outer glass surface on the commercial building covered with some mark, and those mark is so obvious that sometime it resembles as a skin decease on human body. In most cases, those as the glass stain mark. The cleaner has to […]

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Mold Cleaning Methods


In this article, we are going to outline several mold cleaning methods which commonly seen in the industry. There are various way to clean up the contaminant mark on the mold, in general, we could classified by mechanical or chemical way or both. Among the methods, chemical way is the common method as it is […]

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The Natural Black Lava Stone and PVA Foam Cube

Comparing the natural black lava stone and the PVA foam cube. Some of the aquarium lover are using lava stone to cultivate the microorganism in the water. This is very similar application by using the PVA foam cube in the wastewater treatment industry. We purposely get a pack of the lava stone from one of […]

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Select the Non-Silicone Based Defoamer


The non-silicone based defoamer becomes a scarcity product as most of the defoamer in the market are silicone based product. Even though the silicone based formulation is out-beating in performance, but there are always a niche market that the user has to select the non-silicone based product. While we stir up a detergent solution, we […]

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Improve Your Surface Cleaning


Everyone is looking for surface cleaning improvement in order to fulfill the latest cleanliness requirement. Especially we are moving toward a metropolitan kind of living style, people become more demanding in surface cleaning.  Regardless of the environmental cleaning, sanitizing, or even the self-hygiene.  Besides personal hygiene, the industrial product cleanliness requirements also getting more demanding. […]

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PVA Sponge Visual Deficiency


Today we are going to talk about PVA sponge visual deficiency. As a PVA sponge supplier, we are seeing many PVA sponge rollers, either our own product or from other suppliers. We would like to take this opportunity to summarize some visual defects on the PVA sponge. Even though PVA sponge comes in various form […]

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The Microbial Grow in a Solution

Microbial is in everywhere, it could even grow in the water without surprise. In this article, we focus to explain the general understanding of microbial grow. Microbes or microbial is a common name for microorganism. It has a wide coverage includes bacteria, fungi and virus. Since we are not a biology article, the microbe we […]

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