Tag Archives: disinfectant

The Microbial Grow in a Solution

Microbial is in everywhere, it could even grow in the water without surprise. In this article, we focus to explain the general understanding of microbial grow. Microbes or microbial is a common name for microorganism. It has a wide coverage includes bacteria, fungi and virus. Since we are not a biology article, the microbe we […]

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Hypochlorous Acid as Hand Sanitizer

Hypochlorous acid is a suitable hand sanitizer that helps in maintaining good personal hygiene. So far, most of the hand sanitizer comes in alcohol-based, but we have other choices now.  Along the day, we are seeing many defficiency on alcohol-based hand sanitizer, this includes hand drying and also on fire risk. Furthermore, we also read […]

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Warning: file_put_contents(https://www.dstec.com.my/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Alcohol-MSDS-final353.png): Failed to open stream: HTTP wrapper does not support writeable connections in /home/maxway5/dstec.com.my/wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-imagick.php on line 885

Alcohol Hand Sanitizer – Risk


WHO has announced that a 75% alcohol-based hand sanitizer is effective in sanitized the bacteria and virus.  This is the reason why many people are rushing for alcohol hand sanitizer without giving more in-depth consideration. From an earlier article, we had revealed several points for selecting a hand sanitizer products. Hence, we should focus on […]

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Essential Plant Oil for Antiseptic Purpose

There are more than 1000 native plants have been studied and extracted their plant oil for study.  Plant oil could consider as a herbal product has been used to treat various human health problem and this includes the antiseptic purpose.  Perhaps, many nature lovers used essential plant oil for antiseptic purpose, especially during the flu […]

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