Tag Archives: PVA foam cube

Warning: file_put_contents(https://www.dstec.com.my/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/PVAFoam-Cube-1-final353.jpg): Failed to open stream: HTTP wrapper does not support writeable connections in /home/maxway5/dstec.com.my/wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-imagick.php on line 885

The PVA Foam Cube in Wastewater Treatment Process


One of the latest application for PVA foam cube in wastewater treatment. The aeration tank in the wastewater treatment plant is using PVA foam as a microorganism immobilization carrier.  This is because the open pore structure in the PVA sponge has becomes a good bio-holder for growing up microorganism.  The porous effect and high porosity […]

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The Natural Black Lava Stone and PVA Foam Cube

Comparing the natural black lava stone and the PVA foam cube. Some of the aquarium lover are using lava stone to cultivate the microorganism in the water. This is very similar application by using the PVA foam cube in the wastewater treatment industry. We purposely get a pack of the lava stone from one of […]

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