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PVA Sponge Roller Characteristic & Features

PVA Sponge Roller

PVA Sponge Roller

PVA Roller is a soft material, in an ordinary application; it will not scratch the substance surface.  There is much porosity in the PVA roller, this porosity act as a waterway for water to flush away loose contaminant during the cleaning process.

One of the key factors for selecting a good PVA roller is the consistency and uniformity of porosity size.  A good roller with the ability to maintain a consistent porosity will allow the water to flow in a more uniform manner throughout the cleaning process.

Good Chemical Resistance for PVA Sponge Roller

Good chemical resistance including acids, alkaline, and organic solvents;

Flexible to becomes Various Shape and Pattern

130um pore size

130um pore size

  • PVA sponge could be moulded and shaped to various design bases on the application needs;
  • Various PVA pore size dimension and pattern design to suit all application and cleaning process;
  • Soft, flexible and resilient, giving no damages to the clean substance;
  • No scuffing. Used for cleaning and scrubbing critical substrates;

Good Water Absorption Rate

  • Hydrophilic in nature and able to holds up to 12times liquid than its dry weight;
  • Super Absorbent. Dries and removes water, liquids and chemicals;
  • No lint and reusable with wash while necessary;

One Responseso far.

  1. Luis Flores says:

    PVA Sponge Roller.
    Hello can you please provide a quote for 30 pieces for testing, with following specs.
    A- O.D. to be 75mm
    B- I.D. to be 25.4mm
    C- Length to be 230mm
    Thank you.

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