pore size

pore size

PVA Sponge looks similar to outer appearance; however there are several fundamental parameters from sponge design, among all, pore size is one of the fundamental parameters.

The difference in cleaning mechanism and defect categories may require different porous structure design.

We review 7 important factors while selecting a suitable PVA roller.

The pore structure acts as a waterway for the detergent to flow during the cleaning process, larger pore size will allow more water to flow through the cleaning substance surface.

Small contaminant in clean substance surface is removed by the PVA sponge by direct contact between the brush and cleaned substance, the pore structure on sponge surface engulf the contaminant on the clean substance. The sub-sequence rotational effect on sponge roller and detergent fluid will dislodge the contaminant from the clean substance surface and flush away from the clean substance surface.

If we are unable to get better cleaning result, please consider the pore size selection in order to get the best performance.

PVA Porous Design

The porous design for the PVA sponge roller is an Open Pore design.  This means all the pore is interconnecting with each other.  Compare to close pore design, open-pore enhance water flowing through during the cleaning process.

Purpose of PVA Sponge Roller Pore

It is an open pore structure for a PVA sponge roller.  The open-pore structure inter-connected every pore which favour water flow.  A uniform pore structure will further enhance the solution flow during the cleaning process.

PVA Sponge Roller Pore Foaming Mechanism

The starch method is the most commonly used method for generating porous structure in PVA sponge roller, however, they do have a non-starch method for dedicated pore size.

Generally speaking, pore size generating under the starch method is always bigger than the non-starch process.

2 Responses

  1. […] wet sponge is unable to perform the cleaning process as expected. This is because of the shrinkage of the pore cell and the blockage of the waterway. Meanwhile, damage happens since the sponge is not fully […]

  2. […] in this event, ranging from semiconductor device manufacturers to sales services. Since we supply PVA sponges for the semiconductor industry, we will be present at this […]

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