Author Archives: admin

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Cleaning Concept Apply in HDD Media Cleaning Process


After we published the article about the important for choosing suitable detergent for ultrasonic cleaning process, we receive a comment from a reader who wants to find out some basic of HDD media cleaning process. Knowing that hard disc drive is very particular in surface cleanliness, the reader want to learn and see what he […]

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Use Detergent for Ultrasonic Cleaning Process


Ultrasonic cleaning is one of the common process uses in many cleaning processes, especially for small components or component with many angles or surfaces which hard to achieve mechanical scrubbing. In DST, we do have several detergents use in ultrasonic cleaning.  Please contact DST for choosing the appropriate detergent for your ultrasonic cleaning process. Add […]

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Square PVA Sponge


In DST, we have work with many customers on various design of PVA sponge, most of the sponge is coming in roller form regardless it size and surface morphology. However, we do have a square PVA sponge which has been neglected. Currently the square PVA sponge only supply to dedicate user who has the needs […]

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How to Choose a Quality Sponge Roller Product


DST Technology commits in surface process cleaning. We have achieved many remarkable achievement through-out our company development. DST Technology is a Malaysia company however we do not limit ourselves from geography limitation. We are serving many Malaysia companies for their cleaning process improvement, on the other hand, we also working with several customers in overseas […]

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Water Stain Mark Improvement


We have come across many challenges in surface cleaning, one of the common scenarios is the work piece get dry off before the detergent comes into the cleaning roles. The dry-off area will becomes a stain mark as a general term. In our pass experience, we definite do not want to work against stain marks […]

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Core Competent for DST Technology


DST Technology commits in surface process cleaning. We have achieved many remarkable achievement through-out our company development. DST Technology is a Malaysia company however we do not limit ourselves from geography limitation. We are serving many Malaysia companies for their cleaning process improvement, on the other hand, we also working with several customers in overseas. […]

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Why DST Sponge Roller Has Better Quality?


DST has consistently supply high quality and consistent PVA sponge roller product for semiconductor, electronic and PCB process. Many customers always curious about our knowledge and commitment toward cleaning process, the main reason is, we are proud of our PVA sponge roller. Knowledge on PVA Sponge DST has focus in cleaning industry for 5 years. […]

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Celebrate 5th Year Specialize in Surface Cleaning


It’s never been easy job for providing surface cleaning technology to the demanding industry, perhaps we have sustained the business for 5 consecutive years. DST Technology still comparative new however we received much affirmative reply from our value customer for our effort we deliver. DST Technology has worked with many industry for surface cleaning technology, […]

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