A quality Hypochlorous Acid disinfectant product always comes with adequate product labelling. EC Specialty Supplies has dealt with various household cleaning detergents and disinfectants, one of our efforts spent in product development whereby we also documented adequate label content so that the consumer has clear guideline to follow. A detergent or disinfectant product could be easily segregated the quality by appropriate documentation.
In this article, we will walk through the requirement for the labelling content for Quantum Series of Hypochlorous Acid disinfection solution.
Basic Requirement for Sanitizer Solution
The Quantum Hand Sanitizer is a disinfectant making from Hypochlorous Acid solution. Since it is a disinfectant product, we have to clearly state in the product packaging so that consumer could handle the product correctly without misuse.
What are the details has to appear in the product label?
The information should include in the sanitizer packaging:
- Manufacturer/Retailer Info
- Content Info
- Main Ingredient
- Direction for Use
- Volume
- Expiry Date
- Handling, Storage & Disposal
- Hazardous Statement
- Precautionary Statement
- PPE Requirement
From chemical perspective, even Hypochlorous acid considers a “safe” and user friendly solution. Because it uses for disinfectant purpose, we have to label the product appropriately so that risk and precautious is clearly stated.
How Quantum Series Hypochlorous Acid is Label
It is very challenging to include all relevant info within a label. We could always print all content on a label but this definitely will ruin the overall label layout.
For convenient reading pleasure, we have separated the info into 3 sections base on difference label location:
- Front Page.
- Back page.
- Leaflet.
Front page label is the basic info so that consumer could easily identify the product and know what it is purpose. The back page label is some details which consumer could find some important information. Every bottle of Quantum Series disinfectant comes with a beautiful leaflet, the leaflet will include most of the content for labelling requirement.
Content of Hypochlorous Acid Solution Label
With these 3 labels, consumer is able to be educated with sufficient knowledge about the product and also understand how to use the Quantum series Disinfectant Solution.
Why Label is so important but always neglected?
An integrity and reputable sanitizer manufacturer always include sufficient data in the label. The details appears in the label is to show how well the manufacturer understand their product and willing to share with consumer.
The precautionary statement also acts as a reminder to consumer that they have to avoid using the product under such circumstances. For instance, due to COVID-19 outbreak, many people may have innovative mindset to over evaluate the external use sanitizer. As a reliable sanitizer and detergent supplier, all product supply by EC Specialty Supplies always backup with many documents to support the product quality. Label is just one of the documents which get contact with consumer.
Hope you have the basic awareness what information you expected from a product label, especially you are buying a sanitizer product. We are very happy if you have any comments about the Quantum series Hand Sanitizer label design, we are very happy to listen to your valuable feedback.
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